Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Before you moved out

Before you moved out

I moved your things
They reminded me of you
Too much.

Your dresser is empty,
My heart aches
I can’t stop crying
Such a hole to fill

I wander around the house
With no purpose
I miss you
Don’t go

Don’t leave me


Copyright 2006. Lori Dominick

1 comment:

  1. Nice. A thought that strikes - the autumnal equinox yesterday, when this was posted... interesting timing. Copying this over...

    "The autumn equinox is the time of balance between day and night, before night takes over and brings the coming winter, a time of darkness and death. This duality between light and dark exists within humanity, and in the work of spiritual transformation. All things must die before they can be born, all spiritual ascent requires descent first, and all those who long for light must firstly face their own inner darkness and overcome it."
