Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Sea of Faces

(Sometimes, I find old poems that I forgot about.  I think this one was in an old memo pad)

Everywhere I look
I see happy couples
People together
And I think about you
And how nice it would be
If we were still together

Is it you that I miss?

Or do I just miss the security
Of always having someone
To be with
To talk to
To share

Every day I survey a sea of faces
And no one looks back

Sometimes a familiar face looks out
But it is not the same

A nod, a wave
A quick Hello
Chit chat

Pre-ordained rules
It is my job to be nice
Smile, wave
Chit chat

No deep connection or meaning
Bobbing along the surface
It's pleasant enough
Helps pass time

I understand how easy it is to feel alone
In a room full of people

And why couples who break up
Keep trying to get back together
Though it makes them miserable

And I keep searching the sea of faces
And wonder if anyone will ever look back.

Copyright 2008.  Lori Dominick


(Sometimes, dating isn't fun...)

In your heart, you know this one is wrong
He’s nice enough
Cute, funny, smart

But something isn’t right
At first, you dismiss it
Then you question it
You try to accept it
But you can’t

It comes creeping out late at night
When you are alone
With no one around to explain it away
Or justify it
And you can’t accept it anymore

So you end it
Your heart HURTS
Even though you are making the right decision
Why does your heart hurt so much?
Your heart knows this had to be done.

You wish he wasn’t so nice, so cute,
So funny, so smart
So generous
It would make things easier.

Copyright 2011.  Lori Dominick

The Commander

You live on a boat so you can be the captain
Whatever you say goes.
You use technology to control everything on the boat
A robot vacuums what little floor space you have
At a set specific time
Everything from lights to music is programmed
A voice tells you what time it is, when the sunset is,
what the weather is like
The monitors display how much energy you are using
You want to have dominion over everything in your life
Including relationships
Yet you are skittish about spiders
And lightning
and things you can't control

Copyright 2011.  Lori Dominick

The Boat

(There's a reason why people refer to boats as "she"...)

He bought the boat for a few reasons
To save money
To be closer to work
But more importantly,
It was always something he wanted to do
And lately,
He’s been doing everything he’s wanted to do
Free of commitment
Free of complications
On the boat, he can keep his distance
It’s obvious that it is all about the boat
There is only one mistress.

But the boat has a mind of her own
As all boats do
If he doesn’t tie her down, she will float away
He has to buy new ropes
She will bump into the piers and other boats
He has to buy new floats
He thinks he is controlling her,
But his time is consumed with taking care of her
If he doesn’t treat her gently
She will break all of his dishes
(An accident of course
Caused by another boat’s wake)

Things that aren’t secured
Are lost in the water
She doesn’t like her dock
He looks for another
If he’s away too long
He worries; what will she have done?
Corroded spark plugs?
Clogged plumbing?
He buys more things
Gives her a new name
Even holds a half-hearted naming ceremony
Praying to a god he doesn’t believe in

You shouldn’t mock Poseidon
She knows this
But he is trying
They go out on the water
She is free of her moorings
For all too-brief moments
She is free on the water

Copyright 2011.  Lori Dominick

The Eclipse

The Eclipse

I saw a shooting star
on the longest night of the year
And the moon disappeared
That hasn’t happened in almost 400 years

What would they have thought back then
Woman alone staring at the cold moon
Moon child
Wishing on a shooting star
Witch child, star child
She always was a little strange
A little different
A little off

Would they run me out of town
Burn me at the stake
Would I be blamed for bad weather
Ships sinking, unwelcome news

For wishing on a falling star
On the longest night of the year
The coldest night
When the moon disappeared?

Copyright 2010.  Lori Dominick  

The Heart

The Heart

The heart sees and feels what it wants to
Looks through the rose colored glasses
Ignores signs

The mind is more wary
Sensing that something is too good to be true
Ignores the heart

Asks questions
Does research
Seeks truth
Knowing it is better to hurt now rather than later

The heart is angry
The heart makes up excuses
The heart still thinks there is possibility

But the mind knows
No possibility here
But possibility eventually
Just not this time, this place, this person

The heart sees the house of cards tumble down
And knows
And knows the mind is right

And the heart cannot function
Cannot take another rejection
And all former rejections and failures come to the surface

And the mind starts wrapping the heart
In gauze and plaster
It will take some time to dry
But then the heart will be protected
And will be able to function
Until the next time

And the heart vows never to love
And never to let her guard down
And never to be weak

The heart will hide in the plaster fortress
And fortify it with bricks, mortar, barbed wire
The heart will chant a litany
Never let your guard down
Never fall in love
Never imagine possibility
Never get hurt

But the mind knows
The heart will find cracks in the fortress
And love

 Copyright 2010.  Lori Dominick

The Fish

(Another favorite, maybe because I'm a Pisces...)

The Fish

The fish swim with the flow
And you think they are easy to push around

The fish spit things out they don’t like
And you say they are picky

The fish fall in love easily
And you say they are foolish

The fish take a long time to make to decisions
And you say they are weak

The fish are trusting
And you say they are naïve

The fish cut through the water at swift speeds
And you say they are rash

The fish are protected by shiny interlocking scales
And you say they are defensive

And yet you bait the fish and try to catch them and keep them
In your aquarium where they will swim around for your bidding
Relying on you for food, clean water, and air
And you will tap on the glass and shake things up and change their environment
And stress them out to no end except that they are doing your bidding

And you wonder why the fish jump out of the aquarium when you take the lid off.

Copyright 2010.  Lori Dominick

Facebook 2.0

October 2010.  I had written a poem, and I really liked it.  Inspired by all of the house concerts I'd been attending, I thought this poem would make a good song.  I spoke to a friend, he spoke to some friends, and a musician actually took this and turned it into a song!  Sometimes, anything is possible!  One day, I'll have to figure out if I can add the song to this page. 

I Saw it on Facebook 2.0

I saw it on Facebook
You got re-married
I hope you don’t mind
If I don’t send a card

I’m not sure why it gets to me
I just think that you owed me
A line, a note, a short conversation
After 20 years, you have some obligation

Something has changed
Yet the world goes on
I’m better without you
It’s time to move on

But you won the contest
You have a partner
A shoulder to lean on
Need I go farther?

Something has changed
Yet the world goes on
I’m better without you
It’s time to move one

I’m going through boxes
I’m having a yard sale
It’s a lease on a new life
I’m deleting your email

Something has changed
Yet the world goes on
I’m better without you
It’s time to move on

I saw it on Facebook
You got re-married
I hope you don’t mind
If I don’t send a card

Produced by Paul Loyd, he’s just this guy.
Copyright 2010.  Lori Dominick

Time to Let You go

September 21, 2010 – and I’m STILL getting over this?!
Time to Let You Go

Some of the rooms are arranged just so
It’s time to let you go
Pictures are perfectly placed
I covered up your face
It’s time to let you go

Some rooms try to re-create
The way things were
I keep things I don’t need
I keep things just in case
It’s time to let you go

Some rooms have boxes I haven’t opened
I cannot make a decision
I had a plan for all of these things
In a different room, in a different place
It’s time to let you go

I had a plan for all of these things
To make a happy home
And none of it fits here
None of it goes with anything
It’s time to let you go

Tomorrow I start sorting
Things to donate, things to trash
Things to sell
Things I do not want or need
I could use the money
It’s time to let you go

Copyright 2010.  Lori Dominick 

How Much

I am a huge fan of house concerts - where extremely talented musicians put their poetry to music.  This is my attempt at writing "a song".

How much -

I look out into the crowd and I see your faces
The stage has changed; the game’s the same
How much do I have to give away
To get you to like me and my music?

Will a smile be enough?
Will you laugh at my jokes?
Will you listen to what I’m singing?
Can you hear what I’m playing?

I worked really hard on those chords.
I’m pouring my heart out
I spent hours searching for the right rhyme,
The right words, the right pulse.

How much do I have to give away
To get you to like me and my music

You’ve never heard me before
You’ve heard me hundreds of times
You want something with rock and roll
You think everything should rhyme

When it’s over
I don’t get a break but I don’t mind
Working the crowd is part of the deal
What else do you need to buy my CD’s?

How much do I have to give away
To get you to like me and my music

I need to be all things to everyone
I have to be brilliant and funny and smart
I can’t let my guard down
or make offhand remarks

I flirt – just a little - just enough
I have to make you believe
You are the most important person in the room
And in truth, you are all important to me
I wish I could give you each my undivided attention
I would love to talk about the meaning in my songs
Why I wrote them, why I used those words or that beat
What I was thinking when I chose that chord

I want to share the story behind the story I tell up here
But there’s no time.
I’m off to the next town, next stage, next place
And I start the tale all over again

How much do I have to give away
To get you to like me and my music

Copyright 2010.  Lori Dominick  


I have to make these places my own
Forget about the time we spent
Looking at furniture
Planning for the future
Taking measurements

I have to figure out what I like
What I want
I can’t worry or think about what you would say
I need to quiet your voice in my head
Erase your imprints in my mind

Yet you show up at the strangest times
When I least expect it
Reminding me
This place is not mine yet
Your imprint is still here

The places we went
Need to become the places I go

Copyright 2010.  Lori Dominick


October 20, 2009


I don’t sleep well. 
I have nightmares about you.
You try to kill me
I have to kill you

You are cheating on me
You are cheating on me
You cheat a lot

In many of my dreams, you’ve changed
I don’t know who you are

And in the dreams,
I’m always cleaning up some kind of mess
Packing up stuff
Going through drawers
Sifting, sifting
And you go on your merry way

And I’m stuck

I wake up sad and confused
I sift through to try to figure it out

And you go on your merry way

Copyright 2009.  Lori Dominick

My Mind is an Axe

This is one of my favorites - Lori

My mind is an
Makes decisions
Without regard to feelings
Severs ties
Divines truth
When no one wants to see
Judge Jury Executioner
Mind seeks to protect
Remove feelings
Cut away deadwood
Stay sharp
Stay focused
Mind does what it
Has to do

The axe is my symbol
My job is to protect
To protect myself
I will sever ties
I will cut off feelings
I will make quick judgments
I will remove deadwood
I will eliminate clutter
And pain and
And doubt
My mind is my axe

I will wield it
To defend
To attack when attacked
To protect
To hurt when hurt
Bright and defiant

I cannot be hurt
I will not be hurt
I can hurt
I will hurt

I will go on
The offensive
I will go on the
I will be swifter
In making judgments
In divining truth
In severing ties
In cutting off feelings

I will own the
I will NEVER let
My guard down

Copyright. Lori Dominick

Terra Cotta Warriors

In June, 2008, I traveled to China with the Maryland Community Band.  One of the main reasons I wanted to go was to see the Terra Cotta Warriors in Xi'an, China.  Here's an attempt at conveying my feelings.

Terra Cotta Warriors I
Peaceful and serene
Ever watchful
Always vigilant

You almost feel
That they could come to life


Their weapons are missing
Chariots rotted
Horses out of place
Armor is faded

Some soldiers are crumbled
By ravages of time

Hollow shells
Each one unique
Who were they modeled on?

Seven Generals wait
When they hear the call,
Will they be ready?

How long do you wait
Shaped, fired, painted, armed
Sealed underground

To guard the Emperor
In the afterlife

Terra Cotta Warriors II

I was molded in clay
Fired in a 900 degree kiln
Given a unique face, demeanor
Painted in bright colors

Then sealed underground
To wait

To serve my Emperor in the afterlife

Thousands of us
Perhaps modeled after family, friends, self
Artists’ signatures hidden in the details

It would not matter
When the tomb was finished
The artists would be finished
And silenced and buried as well

But not standing upright
Thrown into mass burial pits
as an afterthought

Much more attention and thought
was given to me

A Terra Cotta Warrior
So much attention to every detail
So much thought given to placement
So much contemplation on the afterlife
So little regard for the living.

Copyright 2008.  Lori Dominick

Melancholy Teapot

June 26, 2008

 Melancholy Teapot

I saw teapots
And I was sad
I love teapots
But today they made me think of you
And I’m sad

I thought I was over it
But 20 years is a long time

And I still wonder
What you would think of things
Like teapots

And how I bought you a teapot
With dragonflies on it
To symbolize a new beginning
So we could work on it

And now I have the teapot
And I don’t necessarily think
That it’s you that I miss
But I miss having someone
To care about and to do things with
And maybe have some tea

Copyright 2008.  Lori Dominick



There is a feeling of
When I’m putting away things
A certain satisfaction

“A place for everything…
…Everything in it’s place”

Mise en place
This belongs here
This goes there
This is in the wrong place

Clutter vanishes
Gets recycled
Gets donated
Goes in the trash

With nothing nagging at me
Pulling, tugging me into despair and distress

The room inspires
And I can find things
And I can relax

Copyright 2007.  Lori Dominick